LEGO pass introduction
LEGO pass introduction
Total Lego: 300 million LEGO allocation: 60 million added pencake liquidity 100 million LEGO Genesis ore pools 100 million LEGO games play to earn 30 million LEGO Foundation 10 million LEGO black hole game prize pool
Custom rate of return LEGO Genesis ore pool (until it is excavated): Mining output = number of Legos held x customized rate of return (holding > 1000, the maximum customized rate of return is 2%)
NFT return rate of game coupon = 0.3% Warrior parts = 0.4%, Ninja parts = 0.5%, Iron Man parts = 0.6%, The Demon King Medal = 1% Multiple holdings are accumulated, but the maximum is no more than 2%. For example: Accouont A hold 10000 Legos, 2 game coupons and 3 warrior components at the same time, then the customized rate of return = 0.3% multiplied by 2 + 0.4% multiplied by 3 = 1.8%, The mining income in the same day = 10000 times 1.8% = 180 Legos
LEGO pencake transaction tax structure
12% buy slide point 0% sell slide point
Of which:
6% of the Demon Kings have equal divisions.(condition: holding 10000lego + the Demon King medal)
4% destruction
2% Dao Demon Fund
Last updated